Saturday, October 25, 2008

Amy-zing and the big "K"

This is written by my dear friend who shall remain nameless to protect her.

Ok so prior to my being fired from the day spa which will not be named... My delightful friend Amy E offered to practice some waxing on my nether regions.... Long story short, she tried to wax a "K" on my who-ha....god love her she tried....and it looked more like an "X", but it was a laugh shared by us and unfortunately, I haven't laughed with her since, as I was shortly after that terminated, (nothing to do with the waxing) and I found out that she had given her notice and has left the spa which will not be named. She is on to bigger and better things, as am I....(hopefully soon)...and I am happy to report that the hair is slowly growing back, and I laugh each day when I remember what was a great day with a great person and friend....good times!

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